

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why Do Mormons Not Drink Coffee And Tea?

Doctrine & Covenants 89:9-10 says "And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly."
"And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man."

We as Mormons believe that Coffee and Tea are harmful to the human body. Below are some items I have found on the web telling why both Coffee and Tea are harmful to the body.


"Among the typical health claims about coffee is it decreases the risk of developing cer­tain cancers and diabetes. However, it increases your risk for stomach cancer and leu­kemia. Just like with most drugs, there are perceived benefits -- and then there are the side effects which often render the “cure” worse than the disease.
Coffee can also:
  • Interfere with your body’s ability to use water, and promote fluid loss
  • Raise your cholesterol
  • Send your insulin levels out of control
  • Contribute to rheumatoid arthritis and stroke
  • Damage your blood vessels
  • Increase your risk of heart disease
Coffee interferes with your body’s ability to use folate, and vitamins B12 and B6. Your body needs these nutrients in order to keep your homocysteine level in the healthy range. Elevated homocysteine levels are associated with a wide range of serious, even life-threatening conditions."
Here are 10 reasons why Coffee is harmful to the body.
  1. "The caffeine in coffee increases catecholamines, your stress hormones.  The stress response elicits cortisol and increases insulin.  Insulin increases inflammation and this makes you feel lousy.
  2. Habituation to caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, making it difficult for your cells to respond appropriately to blood sugar.  High blood sugar levels lead to arterial deterioration and increased risk of mortality related to cardiovascular disease.
  3. Unfiltered coffee has the highest amount of beneficial antioxidants yet also leaks the mostditerpenes into your system.  These diterpenes have been linked to higher levels of triglycerides, LDL and VLDL levels.
  4. The helpful chlorogenic acids which may delay glucose absorption in the intestine have also been shown to increase homocysteine levels- an indicator for increased risk of cardiovascular disease which tends to be elevated in diabesity.
  5. The acidity of coffee is associated with digestive discomfort, indigestion, heart burn, GERD and dysbiosis (imbalances in your gut flora).
  6. Addiction is often an issue with coffee drinkers and makes it really difficult to rely on the body’s natural source of energy.  Ask any coffee drinker about how it feels to withdraw from coffee, and you will mistake their story for that of a drug addict’s…
  7. Associative addictions trend with coffee – who doesn’t immediately think of warm, frothy sweet cream and sugar when they picture coffee?  Surely the business of coffee has inspired a culture addicted to the sugary, fatty tastes of what has become more of a meal then a drink! That morning latte is the epitome of food lacking nutrition density yet packing energy!
  8. 5-HIA, an organic acid and component of the neurotransmitter serotonin ( the happy chemical) seen in the urine tends to be elevated in coffee drinkers which means they may be at risk for lower levels of serotonin synthesis in the brain.  Serotonin is necessary for normal sleep, bowel function, mood, and energy levels.  It is a vicious cycle as caffeine can disrupt sleep and promote anxiety and depression. We all know someone who tends to be tired, wired and over caffeinated!
  9. Elevated urinary excretion of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium have been noted in coffee drinkers. An imbalance in your electrolyte status can lead to serious systemic complications.
  10. Constituents in coffee can interfere with normal drug metabolism and detoxification in the liver making it difficult to regulate the normal detoxification process in the liver.  Another issue to be aware of with coffee intake is how certain medications such as levothyroxine (thyroid) as well as tricyclic antidepressants are poorly absorbed, making symptoms curiously worse for patients.
Now what… If you think you can’t cut that coffee out, think again.  I did it and now I want you to feel the same level of renewal and restoration I experienced. It’s a wise experiment to provide yourself a break from coffee intake and see what it feels like to live your life on your own fuel.  Remove coffee and caffeine safely from your system and see how authentically energized you feel!"
Here are some of the effects from drinking Tea.
Tea (Non-Herbal)
"The top ten harmful effects of Tea."
1- As per as the new study by Rutgers University scientists have found new research that tea is harmful to us as it causes chromosome damage and also fetal leukemia. This was reported by the edition of The Washington times online.
2- Tea extracts also have a compound name as phytochemicals which are in plant-derived foods that effects our biological activity in the body. This can really cause dangerous side effects into us. This was said by Joshua Lambert, the lead author of the university.
3-Tea is a big source of slowing down our digestion. Tea contains an element called ptyalin, this is a kind if digestive ferment of saliva. Tanin is responsible for this condition, but we often use milk so however it gets disappears when we do so since milk precipitates milk. But since tea delays our stomach digestion that could lead us to gas formation diarrhoea and constipation as well.
4- Tea is also a major cause for kidney disorder. Experiments have been proved that 5 cups of tea increases a persons urine by 400- 500%. This continuous process of stimulation for consuming caffeine might damage them. Tea also creates kidney stone as it contains high concentration of oxalate.
5- Tea also causes Premenstrual syndrome as people who usually drink 1- 4 cups of tea everyday as likely to have Premenstrual syndrome than the non tea drinkers. People who drink 8 cups of tea or even more have chances for Premenstrual syndrome almost 10 times.
6- Drinking to much of tea leads to incontinence which makes urgent impulse for frequent urine. As per as the recent study caffeine exerts pressure onto the bladder that leads to muscle surrounding which in returns increases the need of urinate.
7- Due to caffeine the respiratory and cardiac muscle also get stimulated leading to coronary arteries which gets diluted as a result increases into the rate of blood flow. The fastening of respiration lowers the carbon dioxide level.
8- Tea is also a source of element that can increase th toxicity in human body. People who take in large amount of tea would go through this. The younger leaves of tea lack the quantity of aluminum whereas the older tea leaves are the actual source. For avoiding this picking of the tea leaves leads to the reason.
9- Tea also leads to insomnia. This is a good source of alerting you mentally and physically too as its large amount induces to insomnia. It only effects for people who are addicted to tea. This also causes sleeping disorders that are quite common which affect the health of humans in a negative order. Researchers have proved this and has rather recommended to have less of tea in order to stay fit.
10- tea is a source of esophageal cancer as per as the study. Esophagus is a canal that links the oral cavity to your stomach and when you drink a very hot tea this canal gets damaged, as a result it leads to this disease. To avoid this a warmer tea is better to take in. If you try and follow this method of waiting thus could lead to lowering the rik of this esophageal cancer.


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